
Citing a survey done by the American Psychological Association or APA it was ascertained that workers with a healthy work-life balance are 28% more productive and have a whopping 25% higher job satisfaction index. A cross-sectional study done by the Harvard Business Review found that working more than 50 hours a week was found to […]

As organizations strive to create a conducive environment for their employees, promoting employee wellness stands out as a crucial initiative. Healthy eating habits and effective HR policies play a significant role in enhancing the well-being of employees. By encouraging nutritious food choices and implementing supportive HR programs, companies can positively impact both the physical health […]

Introduction Today business circumstances are becoming increasingly dynamic and, as a consequence, successful HR strategy is a compass for an organization to strive for its ambitions. What the HR strategy represents at the heart of it is a planning document for the management of the most appreciated asset in all organizations – human Capital. In […]

Understanding HRM vs HRD: Key Distinctions for Organizational Success In the realm of organizational management, two crucial pillars stand tall: HRM vs HRD. These words could be very easily mistaken as similar at first look but noticing their details is very important for directing all sails of business toward victory.  Defining HRM and HRD HRM […]

Understanding Shift Management The working paradigm of Shift management lies in the heart of planning and staffing schedules that allow the employer to maintain the company’s functionality and effectiveness. It is a mixture of assignments, with the key ones among them being the opening of shifts, worker attendance tracking, and shift management. Exploring the Basics […]

Introduction to HR Data Analytics The current digital age sees the emergence of a data-centric culture which translates to a massive shakeup in the way humans manage their workforce. Being away from the confines of clerical work, HR professionals are now put in a position where they can go head-to-head with other stakeholders in decision-making, […]

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