What settings are editable under the Payroll section?


Under Payroll Setting, there are 6 payroll settings for you to edit to support your organization’s requirements. These are:

Payroll Settings
Define your organization's pay settings and paydays calculation settings by setting the effective date, pay frequency, pay cycle, payout date and how to handle leave requests beyond cut off date. 

PF & ESI Settings
Switch your PF and ESI to On or Off depending upon your organization's requirement. 

PT Settings
Enable or disable PT settings depending upon your company’s requirement. Moreover, you have an option for PT settings to be applicable to all states or choose specific ones. 

Declaration Settings
Define the tax declaration settings for your organization by setting the declaration window, applicable to all or selected employees and if mandatory to submit declaration proofs. 

Payout Settings
Payout settings help you choose between bank transfer, cheque or cash payout modes for your employees.
Payslip settings: Define the default payslip format for your organization from a list of 4 predefined payslip formats.

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